The SAEDC Board of Directors works diligently to provide guidance and resources for entrepreneurs and professionals trying to better an existing business or open a new business in the Syracuse, Nebraska area. If you don’t find the answers you need here, please be sure to contact us and we’ll do what we can to help.
Resources for Entrepreneurs

- Nebraska City Economic Development Corporation
- Nebraska Business Development Center
- SCORE Education and Mentorship
- Rural Enterprise Assistance Project
- Nebraska Department of Economic Development
- Nebraska Investment Finance Authority
- Nebraska State Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Southeast Nebraska Development District
- OPPD's Economic Development Department
NCAEDC Website | Nebraska City Office: 402-873-4293
Executive Director: Dan S. Mauk, 402-209-4568
The Nebraska City Area Economic Development Corporation takes their role as the County-wide leadership in economic development to heart. With a full-time economic development resource on staff, they support Otoe County business owners/managers by offering FREE services and assistance such as:
- Tools to start or grow a business, create a business plan or hire and manage employees.
- One-on-one business counseling and training.
- Planning development expertise.
- Guidance in locating funding.
- Money management insights.
This group’s number one priority is to provide economic development services which focus on the county’s priorities, supported by county-wide business and industry. They strive to meet these needs—by providing diverse job opportunities and increasing capital investment and growth of county-wide valuation—by focusing their efforts on industrial recruitment and retention, business development, entrepreneurship, leadership development and downtown redevelopment. NCAEDC works on identifying and promoting county-wide opportunities; most importantly by identifying, developing and marketing potential development sites throughout Otoe County.
NBDC Website | Lincoln Office: 402-323-3626 | Omaha Office: 402-554-2521
Associate Director of Lincoln Office: Zack Zimmerman, 800-642-4075 ext.3626
NBDC has certified consultants on staff who are focused on providing confidential, impartial services and educational opportunities designed to help Nebraska business people become even better! Their focus is on helping Nebraska businesses grow and create new jobs. They have experience working with established and start-up businesses, researchers, entrepreneurs and professionals.
They offer many FREE services, as well as some fee-based services including guidance related to:
- Business Planning
- Financing Options
- Sales Growth
- Identifying Customer Needs
- Staff Hiring & Training
- Continuous Improvement
- Business Transition & Valuations
- Government Contract Opportunities
NBDC has seven offices across the state, each of which is affiliated with a nearby college. The Omaha office is affiliated with the University of Nebraska – Omaha and the Lincoln office is affiliated with Southeast Community College.
SCORE Website | Lincoln Office: 402-437-2409
SCORE, “Counselors to America’s Small Business”, is a nonprofit association dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, grow and achieve their goals through education and mentorship. Because their work is supported by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), and thanks to a network of 11,000+ volunteer business retirees, they are able to deliver services at NO CHARGE or at very low cost. SCORE can provide:
- Volunteer mentors who share their expertise across 62 industries
- Free, confidential business mentoring in person or via email
- Free online business tools, templates and tips
- Inexpensive or free business workshops (locally) and webinars (online 24/7)
REAP Website | Lyons Office: 402-687-2100
The Rural Enterprise Assistance Project (REAP) focuses on strengthening rural Nebraska communities through the development of small, self-employed businesses. With staff located all across the state, they can prove helpful whether you’re thinking of starting a small business or considering changes to your existing business.
For Nebraska businesses with fewer than 10 employees, REAP offers services related to:
- Financing (Micro Loans)
- Business Training (Business Planning, Marketing & Research and Energy Effficiency)
- Technical Assistance
- Networking
NDED Website | Lincoln Office: 402-471-3111
SE Nebraska Field Representative: Deb Eggleston, 402-380-7253
The Nebraska Department of Economic Development (NDED) provides resources and assistance for every aspect of business and community development such as:
- Nebraska Advantage Tax Incentive Plans
- Business Start-up Programs
- Site & Building Selection
- Target Industries
- Labor Availability
- Job Training
- Power, Communications & Transportation
- Regulatory Environment
- Research & Development
- Technology & Innovation
NIFA Website | Lincoln Office: 402-434-3900
The Nebraska Investment Finance Authority (NIFA) provides Nebraskans with a broad range of financial resources for homeownership, rental housing, agriculture, manufacturing, medical and community development endeavors. NIFA also provides technical assistance for activities related to these areas, while preserving and growing the asset base used to provide these resources.
NIFA may be able to help you by providing:
- Low-interest rate financing for manufacturing facilities, certain farm property, health care facilities, residential rental properties, housing rehabilitation, homeownership, wastewater treatment and safe drinking water facilities, and public safety communications projects.
- Access to the federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit program for residential rental property development.
Nebraska Chamber Website | Lincoln Office: 402-474-4422
The State Chamber is constantly working hard to improve Nebraska’s business climate and respond to the needs of the business community. While you’re busy doing what you do best – running your day-to-day affairs – the Chamber will work to protect your interests at the Legislature. In addition, we will make your voice heard at the national level, since the Nebraska Chamber is the state affiliate of both the U.S. Chamber and the National Association of Manufacturers.
They provide members with access to:
- Insight about public policy and political engagement.
- Workshops, special events and other communications.
SENDD Website | Lincoln Office: 402-475-2560
The Southeast Nebraska Development District (SENDD) is a voluntary association of counties and municipalities focused on identifying common problems, their solutions and to provide continuing support for efficient and effective government among its members. As a member of SENDD, Otoe County has access to their services including: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN TO ME AS A BUSINESS PERSON? HOW IS THIS MY RESOURCE?
- Serving as a liaison to federal and state agencies.
- Writing and administration of grants for certain governmental grant and loan programs, as well as private foundations.
- Financing business and industry through direct loans related to new and expanding small business concerns within SENDD member political subdivisions.
- Managing housing rehabilitation programs.
- Performing special studies related to community and business needs.
- Helps communities and counties complete infrastructure improvements through business loans for expansion of existing and development of new businesses through CDBG, USDA-RD and SBA resources.
OPPD Economic Development Website | Phone: 888-781-4415
Economic Development Manager: Tim O’Brien, 402-636-3731
OPPD’s Economic Development Department can be your most important first contact in eastern Nebraska. OPPD is a publicly owned, business-managed electric utility that takes pride in being highly responsive to the needs of the region it serves. If you are considering running a business in eastern Nebraska, OPPD’s economic development professionals can provide:
- Business-attraction and site-selection assistance.
- Development and support of communities and businesses.
- An in-depth knowledge of economic development and growth resources.
- Up-to-date information about Nebraska tax incentive programs.
- Energy assessments for Nebraska manufacturing companies.
- Information about taxes, transportation, energy costs, and more.